In this drawing I drew a mug and a pearl necklace within it. My goal is to show the shadow and the reflection on the surface of cup. I accomplished it by observing carefully and using different pencils to draw it. What surprises me most is how beautiful the surface looks after finishing it. My painting is about shading and shadows. The most difficult challenge for me was to draw the surface of mug, because it was so smooth that can reflect the surrounding objects. I faced the challenge by observing really carefully and using distinct values. I feel my drawing really works to show the shadow and values. From this work I learned about how to make the drawing as realistic as possible by using light and shadows. In our class Carol made a good composition in her work, and I learnt from her that a good composition really can help create a much more attractive work. If I had a do-over I would make the shadow darker so people can easily differentiate it from mug itself. I feel best about the values in my drawing.
the reflections on the pitcher are exquisite